Warframe: Heart of Deimos

Release Trailer

Entrati Tower Environment

Entrati Tower Environment

Entrati Interior Staircases

Entrati Interior Staircases

Streaming Connector

Streaming Connector

Modular Ruin Landmarks

Modular Ruin Landmarks

Warframe: Heart of Deimos

Heart of Deimos is a massive update released in 2020 working from our homes.
On this project I was responsible for the supervision of the Tower's development, Streaming Connector's art, Ruin kit for the open-world landmarks and participated in the development of the Entrati interior modular kit.
I led the team by prototyping, documenting, tasking, reviewing, optimizing, bug fixing and preparing some materials and art myself for the Tower and its environment, the Streaming room with its effect, ruin kit and some of the interior pieces.
Team: Rosа Lee, Dejаn Ostojic, Deаn Field, Cаsey Baldwin, Logаn Williаms, Ross Colgаn, Enrico Sаnti, Josh Dinа, Аlex Jеrjomins and other.
Art Director: Kаry Blаck
Creative Director: Steve Sinclаir

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