The Amazing Eternals: Game Assets
The Amazing Eternals: Game Assets

I was developing two main game assets for the Carythian fraction in the game The Amazing Eternals (project code name - Keystone). One of those was Carythian Cardpack made of obsidian rock that was used as a premium material by Carythian fraction in game. It was containing the deck of cards designed for the Carythian heroes. This object was appearing as a reward for the victory and could give rare Carythian cards to improve player's stats or give a special ability.
Carythian Keytone Artifact was the main Objective that was needed to be captured to win the game. It was big flying magical asset controling the level and containing game logo design as a part of the basic shape. It was made of the ancient Carythian rock.
I was also developing very first two weapons Charms used on any weapon in game and treats (game buffs) for the main menu. Every treat was giving different game boost (etc. XP, Gold, loot). Some of those assets were not released but I was allowed to reveal them.

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