Halo: Infinite - Bazaar Multiplayer
Halo: Infinite - Bazaar Multiplayer

Halo: Infinite - Bazaar level
It was my pleasure and honor to work on this level as Lead Level Artist. I was leading my Level art team in full development starting the pre-production stage. I was establishing the general art-style for the setting, participating and improving Level Design, tasking and reviewing the concept art, dividing the level into areas to work from proxy stage, defining destruction, vista and lighting, along by leading and prototyping with my team modularity and materials for the level, prop set, destruction elements etc. I was really happy to work closely with 343 Industries in making sure for this level to fit Halo's franchise and overall direction of the Multiplayer section of the game.
Halo CE was my first game and it was my dream to work on newer chapter since I started my career. Dreams came true, believe in yourself and work hard! Thanks a lot to Sperasoft Inc. and 343 Industries for this amazing collaboration!

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